Fix Issue with VolumeMounts in Kubernetes Internet Disconnected

Hi @Ayman support,

I was just beginning work on the Fix Issue with VolumeMounts in Kubernetes task when my internet cut out &/or the workspace timed out. I tried to hit try later so that I could come back to it with a fresh browser, but now that task has been marked as failed even though I was not finished with the task.

Could I please get a reset without losing points?

Thanks in advance:-)

hi @juliettet, can you please share your KKE user details ?

Hi @rahul456,

Thank you for responding. Do you need my full user name &/or email?

I’ll check back soon. Thanks again:-)

PS. I have sent you a DM.

hi @juliettet, this is marked pending for you, please give it an another try.

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Thank you for looking into this for me @rahul456! :grinning: