During CKAD exam we can refer <http://kuberntes.io|kuberntes.io> documentation . . .

Dhanuj Sirohi:
During CKAD exam we can refer http://kuberntes.io|kuberntes.io documentation portal right ?

Hello, @Dhanuj Sirohi
Resources allowed during exam:
Candidates may use their Chrome or Chromium browser to open one additional tab in order to access
assets at:
https://kubernetes.io/docs/ and its subdomains. This includes all available language translations
of this page (e.g. https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/)|)
https://github.com/kubernetes/ and its subdomains
No other tabs may be opened and no other sites may be navigated to.
The allowed sites above may contain links that point to external sites. It is the responsibility of the
candidate not to click on any links that cause them to navigate to a domain that is not allowed.
One more thing I would like to add https://discuss.kubernetes.io/ site not allowed during the exam.

Dhanuj Sirohi:
thanks :slightly_smiling_face: