Duplicate task assigned

Hi @Inderpreet

I got a duplicate task assigned again to me. Could you please look into this.


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Hi @hprasanna

It is normal to get same task to work on. How many times you got same task assigned ?

i got tomcat installation 3 times. and other tasks around 2 times

@Inderpreet @kodekloud-support3 hi, got the create group task 3 times


Getting same tasks assigned is fine but failed/expired tasks should also be assigned. If you think you are not getting those (as some users mentioned that) then please let us know. Also FYI we are already looking into it to improve tasks assignment.

I only got the passed tasks repeatedly not the failed tasks

Hi @Inderpreet I did “Install and Configure Tomcat Server” task already two times and keep coming.
Once i done with it is going to add points to my score and the day after is keep coming back but deleting the points added previously.
What should I do ? keep doing it or wait

HI @Inderpreet I am having the same issue . My experience points was 15000 + now it reverts back to 14470. I finished the assigned tasks but it is assigning thew same tasks again. Looks like the program is not recognising i completed those tasks.

Sorry about this. There seems to be a bug. We are working on fixing this now.


I’m still getting duplicate task.