Docker compose exercise

$ vi docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network “clickcounter_default” with the default driver
Pulling clickcounter (kodecloud/click-counter:)…
ERROR: The image for the service you’re trying to recreate has been removed. If you continue, volume data could be lost. Consider backing up your data before continuing.

Continue with the new image? [yN]y
Pulling clickcounter (kodecloud/click-counter:)…
ERROR: pull access denied for kodecloud/click-counter, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied
$ cat docker-compose.yml
image: redis:alpine
image: kodecloud/click-counter
- 8085:5000
$ vi docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
Pulling clickcounter (kodecloud/click-counter:)…
ERROR: The image for the service you’re trying to recreate has been removed. If you continue, volume data could be lost. Consider backing up your data before continuing.

Continue with the new image? [yN]y
Pulling clickcounter (kodecloud/click-counter:)…
ERROR: pull access denied for kodecloud/click-counter, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied

I have created the compose.yml file but when i am running i am getting to login to docker can u suggest the solution for it

Can you please specify the lab number to be able to help you?

This question is in docker compose lab

It seems you wrote the image name incorrectly
kodecloud/click-counter instead of kodekloud/click-counter
So please try again using this YAML file

    image: redis:alpine
    image: kodekloud/click-counter
    - 8085:5000
version: '3.0'

Hope this helps!