Deploy Node App task failed incorrectly

Hi @Ayman ,
I completed the Deploy Node app in Kubernetes task , but when i submited it , it says that
service for node app is not named as ‘node-service-xfusion’ under namespace ‘node-namespace-xfusion’ even though the service for the app is called node-service-xfusion as shown in the screenshot below
Can you tell me what is the error here ? Thanks

Hi @rahul456 , can you please have a look at the above task and let me know if it is a legitimate failure,ie , because of some mistake i had made if so i can request for review , else can you please put the task into pending again . thanks

Hi @rahul456 , when it was reviewed , it was found that it is a task description error as the task has not asked to create the service under the namespace specified . But the validation is checking and expecting the service under the namespace.
So can you please either put the task into pending so that i can try it again . Thanks

Hello, @antonysavio1111
service is a namespace scoped. If you are creating abc deployment in the xyz namespace and after that you are getting a instruction to deploy service for abc deployment. You should’ve to deploy service in that xyz namespace.
I think we can cross check with the nodeport 30012 in the browser URL. I don’t think so it worked at that time.

Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana ,
the thing is that i have seen multiple instances where folks have made assumptions about the setup and not done exactly what the task description instructed them to do . So i was just following the task and not making any assumptions since most of the times the validation on the task is also scoped to what the task informed you to do

Okay, That’s fine but did you check the app through port 30012?

yes , and it did not show any errors , only that it will take some time for the app to get started .