Deploy Guestbook app in Kubernetes

My Task failed with the below error:


The image I used for the redis-master was redis:e2e.
The task description did not mentioned any tag so I used the same tag as mentioned in the kubernetes documentation.

Please review the question @rahul456 @Inderpreet

Note: Guestbook application was running fine

hi @kleansoul, this is marked pending for you, please give it another try.

Hi @rahul456

Thanks for your reply. But the task is still showing failed in my list. Can you please fix!

@kleansoul, now you should have your task in your bucket.

Thanks @rahul456. I have completed this task successfully.

Please note that I have not received my daily task. Can you please assign my daily task for today which is supposed to be assigned by now.

@kleansoul, can you please share your KKE user name ? And also please let me know if you got your today’s task.

@rahul456, Thank you for your reply. But I have not received any new task since 40hrs now. I expect 2 tasks now against the lost time please.

@kleansoul, you should have new task in your bucket

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