Currently I am doing pratice test env variable, so we cannot edit env variable i . . .

Huda Ridwan:
Currently I am doing pratice test env variable, so we cannot edit env variable inside pod running ? when kubectl edit pod webapp-color change the env and failed. so we must delete and created pod again to change the env value ? Thanks

Hello, @Huda Ridwan
Yeah, you cannot change/modify in running pods except below fields.
1. spec.containers[].image
2. spec.initContainers[
3. spec.activeDeadlineSeconds
4. spec.tolerations
To update/modify, store it in the file and recreate again.

kubectl get po <pod-name> -oyaml > new.yaml
kubectl replace -f new.yaml --force

Huda Ridwan:
Ah, I remember it, Thanks @Tej_Singh_Rana