Cronie task failed

Hey !

I just completed a task and , it is counted as failed telling me no crontab was setup on stapp01.
But i have created one for the root user ?
Is the problem that i have used a template for it that wasnt expected by the parser for the answer or anything else that I can’t see ?

Thanks for reporting. Your answer seems to be correct.
We will check and update the check.


Thank you for reporting this issue. The answer is correct there was an issue with validation. We apologize for this issue. It is fixed now and should work fine.


Hi Martinez,

Despite having correct answer this task failed due to system issue so we have manually marked this task as SUCCESS for you.


Hey Indepreet,

Me too I have the same issue, can you check it for me ?


Hi mouador,

We have fixed the issue with validation now so it should not fail if solution is correct. I have marked this task Pending for you. You can try it again.


No problems, hope this helps

Hi @Inderpreet
I am also facing the same issue for app server 2.

Can you please check for me as well?

Thank you!

Hi @hdbhandari

As per screenshot the error is about crond service not about the cron itself. Seems like you missed to start crond service.


Hi @Inderpreet
Thank you for pointing it out.


Hi Inderpreet!

I had started the crond after installing the cronie on the app server , like below:

/etc/init.d>sudo crond start

But still I failed to start the crond.
Could you please tell me the reason…

Hi @Sameera

Not sure if its a typo or mistake, but the command should be sudo service crond start.

Ah I suppose I missed the “service” part of the command hence the crowd did not start.
Thank you!!