Couple of questions regarding CKA: 1. When we create a new deployment using impe . . .

Gaurav Bansal:
Couple of questions regarding CKA:

  1. When we create a new deployment using imperative way, it does not accept --record as a flag; how do we record the deployment creation? We can record any subsequent changes like updating image or scaling replicas but how do we record the creation of deployment with imperative command?
  2. As part of the CKA exam, do we get the command auto complete already enabled in the bash or do we need to implement auto complete by ourselves?

for 2… its not enabled, nor alias

Caio T:
I asked myself the same question for number 1. For the CKA lab I basically ran the set image command pointing to the same image tag + passing the record parameter just in order to update the history table but this is for sure not the right way to do it