Completed "Install and Configure DB Server" But Marked as Failed

WP installation went well but marked as Failed. Attached the Screenshot of WP site and populated data in backend DB after the installation.

Pls have a look.


Further I could not login, as I couldn’t remember auto generated user PW by the chrome. That’s why screenshot showing as auth failed.

In this task you were given a DB dump to restore which already had some data in there. Your installation seems fresh WP installation, did you restore the provided database dump ?

NO I did not restore any dump. I did. not see such instructions , May be I missed.

i coudnt able to do ssh kindly help i have logged in to ssh peter@stdb01

sudo yum groups install mariadb* -y
sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo systemctl enable mariadb
mysql -u root -p
create user kodekloud_top identified by password “xyz”;
create database kodekloud_db2;
grant all privileges on kodekloud_db2.* to kodekloud_top;
scp db.sql thor@jump_host :/home/thor
while doing scp i am getting error kindly help me with the step that how to copy from /home/thor/db.sql to peter@stdb01
Also kindly help m further steps

the above command shows command not found kindly help

Do you have any logs? May I know the steps followed?


Check to see if scp is installed on both. I had to install openssh-clients on one.

try this command on destination host
sudo yum install openssh-server openssh-clients -y