Can someone pointout what is the problem in below command? where have I given tw . . .

Mayur Sharma:
Can someone pointout what is the problem in below command?
where have I given two names
controlplane $ kubectl create cronjob throw-dice-cron-job --schedule=“30 21 * * *” --image=kodekloud/throw-dice --dry-run=client -o yaml cronjob.yaml
error: exactly one NAME is required, got 2
See ‘kubectl create cronjob -h’ for help and examples
controlplane $

Mayur Sharma:
My bad! I see “>” is missing before the file name

Following command run successfully
kubectl create cronjob throw-dice-cron-job --schedule=“30 21 * * *” --image=kodekloud/throw-dice --dry-run=client -o yaml > cronjob.yaml

Mayur Sharma:
Thanks @Jaraws J :slightly_smiling_face: I missed the output redirectm operator