Basic+PAM Authentication

I have done all the steps such as installing the epel release packages and configured the directory in ./etc/httpd/conf.d/ folder and as well configured userdir.conf file with valid-user being james. I have checked the protected folder via the ‘Select port on host 1’ lbr link and it asks for
username and password. But when curl -U james:GyQkFRVNr3 http://stapp01:8080/protected/index.html it throws an unauthorized message. Please help me in finding out the problem.

Thanking You,

@faisalbasha1982 use small -u to pass the credentials with curl command.

hi @Inderpreet , kindly to check my last task of Basic+PAM Authentication , i think i have done all steps, i cheked wuth the curl command and the host+80

thank you in advance.