Any suggestions on yaml editing using vim most of the time is spent on formattin . . .

Suman Kumar Dey:
any suggestions on yaml editing using vim most of the time is spent on formatting them is there a better way to handle yaml editing during the exam are we allowed to copy the yaml to editor during the exam ?

Nicolas G.:
you are allowed to copy example yaml configs from| , I would suggest you focus on getting comfortable running imperative commands

Gonzalo Acosta:
I use vim a lot and every new cluster add this

vim ~/.vimrc

autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab
syntax on

Suman Kumar Dey:
thanks @Nicolas G. and @Gonzalo Acosta let me try the vimrc

Mohamed Ayman:
Yes, you’re allowed.

Mohamed Ayman:
Always try to use spaces not tabs in VIM. Also you can :set paste in VIM to avoid indentation issues while pasting from the documentation.

Suman Kumar Dey: