Ansible mock exams 1 q1

I can’t seem to figure out how to encrypt the password for the first question.
the closest
ansible-vault encrypt_string ‘d3v3l0p3r’ --vault-password-file=secrets/vault.txt
ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file=secrets/vault.txt ‘d3v3l0p3r’ --name ‘dev_pass’
and more but none gave me answer (or at list one that worked).

I would love some help

Hi @alonbn22,

Please look for answers in /tmp/hassets/answers/ on ansible controller host.

I suspect something has changed with the user module since this mock exam question was created. I spent 2 hours working through this one question and dearly hope I don’t have to have this level of Ansible knowledge for the exam–good practice though :stuck_out_tongue:

So, because the vaulted password becomes plaintext when called, and the user module requires a hashed password you have to use a filter. Because of some deeper issues you have to use the string filter before password_hash:


- name: Add and configure admin users
    name: "{{ item }}"
    password: "{{ admin_pass | string | password_hash('sha512') }}"
    groups: wheel
  loop: "{{ users.admins }}"

Full playbook with some debugging output for context:

- name: Add and configure users
  hosts: node00
    admin_pass: !vault |
    developer_pass: !vault |

    - name: Include users
        file: ~/playbooks/data/users.yml
        name: users

    - name: Show users
        var: users

    - name: Show admin password decrypted from vault
        var: admin_pass

    - name: Show hashed admin password
        msg: "{{ admin_pass | string | password_hash('sha512') }}"

    - name: Add and configure admin users
        name: "{{ item }}"
        password: "{{ admin_pass | string | password_hash('sha512') }}"
        groups: wheel
      loop: "{{ users.admins }}"

    - name: Add and configure developer users
        name: "{{ item }}"
        password: "{{ developer_pass | string | password_hash('sha512') }}"
        home: /var/www
      loop: "{{ users.developers }}"

Ansible Output

thor@ansible-controller ~/playbooks$ ansible-playbook -i inventory add_users.yml --check

PLAY [Add and configure users] ***********************************************************************************

TASK [Include users] *********************************************************************************************
ok: [node00]

TASK [Show users] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [node00] => {
    "users": {
        "admins": [
        "developers": [

TASK [Show admin password decrypted from vault] ******************************************************************
ok: [node00] => {
    "admin_pass": "adm$n$"

TASK [Show hashed admin password] ********************************************************************************
ok: [node00] => {
    "msg": "$6$cuK0bEpla1xxAJ6y$Bk.m12c5yY5If9JY7o7eyrDfP1qICLPyvIJL7a.xAtiJiLloGuYWwSC4isJyAdQnml4efrcNupyDBtPFwetYj."

TASK [Add and configure admin users] *****************************************************************************
changed: [node00] => (item=rob)
changed: [node00] => (item=david)
changed: [node00] => (item=joy)

TASK [Add and configure developer users] *************************************************************************
changed: [node00] => (item=tim)
changed: [node00] => (item=ray)

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
node00                     : ok=6    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0

Possible errors for reference:

This first error means you are sending a plaintext password (or one that has been decrypted from ansible-vault):

[WARNING]: The input password appears not to have been hashed. The 'password' argument must be encrypted for this module to work properly.

This second error happens on some (all?) versions of Ansible (2.7.10 currently in the Mock Exam 1 labs) when you use {{ variable | password_hash('sha512') }} without the string filter in between (for more details see I can’t tell if it’s been fixed or if the string filter is the appropriate method going forward.

fatal: [node00]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ admin_pass | password_hash('sha512')}}): must be string, not AnsibleVaultEncryptedUnicode"}
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thank you so much :slight_smile:

You’re welcome! I actually ran into a question on the exam that required this information…

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I am also unable to solve this question, even I’ve copied the answer, it created the users but unable to log in with the users.

It always says, user rob’s password is incorrect

Hello Ahmed,

Did you use @tabernarious solution and if so what is the error you get?