After etcdctl restore command do i need to change anything in etcd.yaml file ? b . . .

after etcdctl restore command do i need to change anything in etcd.yaml file ? because i see pod is in pending state

if you see that Pods are pending state then you have changed the host path in etcd.yaml. if the cluster got multiple master then yes.


my environment is 1master&3nodes.
If I changed data-dir, mountPath AND hostPath, then newly created etcd is pending,
Checked docker inspect on etcd-master, then I found that culprit seems " " ,

so I changed ;

Before(pending) : - --initial-cluster-token=“etcd-cluster-1”
Changed to : - --initial-cluster-token=etcd-cluster-1

then everything is RUNNING.

just f.y.i my etcd.yaml attached.

Rohit Salecha:
checck the name of the master node. If iit was oriigiinally controlplane then yyou need to put it as control plane

can i also move /var/lib/etcd existing one to different name and perform restore ? if i change hostpath , dont i need to change mountpath as well ?

what is the use of token actually i see in some yaml files token info is not mentioned