Validation issue Deploy Lemp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster

Hi @alexkonkin and @ulihorn

What are your KKE usernames ?

Hi Inderpreet,

My KKE username is [email protected]

Hi @ulihorn

This is put under pending tasks for you, can you please try once again.

Hi Inderpreet,

Thanks for this. But can you please look at the solutions for “Deploy Lemp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster” and “Deploy Lamp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster”. From the errors given here for “Deploy Lemp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster” it seems that the solution has been mixed up with the requirements for “Deploy Lamp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster”. For instance the requirement for the ‘Lemp’ version is a wordpress:php7.2-fpm or similar container but in the error list a webdevops/php-apache:alpine-3-php7 container is required which is the requirement for the ‘Lamp’ version. Otherwise I am likely to get the same error again.

Hi @Inderpreet

It still gives the same wrong errors

oh! Looks like the task was not completed successfully. But it’s Ok. You can try again next time this task is assigned to you.




webdevops/php-nginx:alpine-3-php7 image is not used

Service ‘lemp-service’ doesn’t exist

Mysql database is hardcoded in ‘index.php’

Mysql user is hard coded in ‘index.php’

Mysql password is hard coded in ‘index.php’

Mysql HOST is hard coded in ‘index.php’

website is not up and accessible

You may check your work again to see what went wrong. The environment expires in 5 minutes.
If you think you did your work correctly and is marked failed, you may request for a review from your task dashboard. Or alternatively please take outputs/screenshot of your work and post in

You can also view your result in your dashboard under tasks. You will be assigned your next task within the next few days.

  • Terminal 1
  • Terminal 2
  • Terminal 3



Hi @Inderpreet

Can you please look at the solutions for “Deploy Lemp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster” and “Deploy Lamp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster”. From the errors given here for “Deploy Lemp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster” it seems that the solution has been mixed up with the requirements for “Deploy Lamp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster”. For instance the requirement for the ‘Lemp’ version is a wordpress:php7.2-fpm or similar container but in the error list a webdevops/php-apache:alpine-3-php7 container is required which is the requirement for the ‘Lamp’ version. Otherwise I am likely to get the same error again.

Hi @ulihorn

Thanks for reporting this, we are looking into it.

Hello @Inderpreet please help i am also having issues, i tried it twice and all works but the validation fails it incorrectly.

hello @Inderpreet @rahul456 my KKE user is [email protected]

Hi @Inderpreet , @rahul456 , @Tej-Singh-Rana please help, the task will expire today.

Hello, @sddsouza
Am I late? I am not able to see your work in “Review” section?

Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana yes it’s marked as failed now. Could you please help here. There is a bug in the validation process. I tried twice and the Wordpress website showed up but the validation process failed it incorrectly stating the image is incorrect etc…

Hi @sddsouza, sorry for the issue, this is marked success for you

Hi @rahul456 thanks a lot.

Hello @Inderpreet ,

I registered as: Alexey Konkin
I suppose that my KKE username is: [email protected]

@mmumshad @Inderpreet @Tej-Singh-Rana @rahul456

I registered as: Alexey Konkin
I suppose that my KKE username is: [email protected]

Hello colleagues,

@rahul456 has updated my task so we can consider my issue as fixed.

Many thanks for your help and for such
great possibility to participate in the kodeklod activities.

Best regards,