Mariadb not starting question

The solution provided by Borys worked for me.

Only change I did , instead of

sudo chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mysqld

I ran :-

sudo chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mariadb

try chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mariadb/

This worked for me.
We are not even able to see the logs (as the service has not created any log /var/log/maridb/mariadb.log is empty). After running the ExecStartPre script maunally & restarting the service we are able to generate the logs file as well.

Solving this problem was pretty easy by entering " sudo yum update" , all the packages are updated including mariadbā€™s ones. then you can start the service of mariadb and everything will be working . thatā€™s how it worked for me, after several tries of solutions provided by the community here.

It says directory is not empty when the directory does not exist so Iā€™d say thatā€™s bad error message.I noticed /var/lib/mysqld but not /var/lib/mysql as it was looking for. Simply renaming the directory made it possible to start the service.