Linux String Substitute (sed)

I facing the same issue myself
please assist

Hey guys,
follow this

sudo sed -i ‘s/String/Software/g’ /home/BSD.txt
(old text/new text)

so this is where we’re going wrong:
in the task one it says delete “all lines” containing the word software, but we’re trying to delete just the word, so try this:
sed ‘/software/d’ BSD.txt > BSD_DELETE.txt
replace the word software with the word asked in the task

I have similar issue , can someone review and advise.
[root@stapp03 home]# sed -i ‘/copyright/d’ /home/BSD.txt > /home/BSD_DELETE.txt
[root@stapp03 home]# sed -i ‘s/and/their/g’ /home/BSD.txt > /home/BSD_REPLACE.txt
[root@stapp03 home]#

Thank you already.

Just replace -i with -e.
The rest is fine.

The command doesn’t include to print the results to a new file.

Hello I believe the same happened to me, i did the tasks twice and got the same result

Can anybody please help with a resolution