Docker build webapp-color

Hi Support Team @Ayman @Tej-Singh-Rana

Can you help me to solve below. I have ran docker container in detach mode but not able to see it as running

$ docker run --name python_1test -d python:3.6
$ docker ps
4ec46df02651 webapp-color “python” 12 minutes ago Up 11 minutes 8080/tcp webapp_test

Also I cannot able to build image by specifying dockerfile path explicitly.

$ sudo docker build --file=“/root/webapp-color/Dockerfile” -t webapp-color
“docker build” requires exactly 1 argument.
See ‘docker build --help’.

Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -

Build an image from a Dockerfile

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Simply go to that directory and run the below command: -

sudo docker build  -t webapp-color .

Make sure to use the dot (.) symbol at the end of the command.


@tejaswinidp96 thanks for responding. I was trying in otherway to explicitly referring dockerfile using --file option.
Not sure if it is right way to build image other than running it from current directory

@Tej-Singh-Rana @Ayman ca someone please suggest here

Please check this example. @Manikumar-Kandukuri

Hey @Manikumar-Kandukuri ,

I see what is happening here. If I understand it correctly you want the context from another directory, in which case you should proceed with something like:

$ sudo docker build -t webapp-color /root/webapp-color/

I think you have confused build context with the Dockerfile name.

--file : Used when you have multiple Dockerfiles and you want to specify which one to use when building the docker image.

Context: This is the directory from where docker will fetch these Dockerfiles.

Attaching one screenshot for a more clear picture.

Hope it helps. Let me know if you have other queries as well.


Thanks a lot @Dinesh_Kodekloud . works perfectly.

Thanks @Tej-Singh-Rana for sharing me documentation

Glad, it helped you.

Happy Learning!!

Step 1: Find slim version of img - pull python:3.6-slim
Step2: edit dockerfile using vim cmd (save changes by pressing esc then :w)
Step 3: docker build -f Dockerfile -t webapp-color:lite .

enter on Docker through
cd /root/webapp-color
cat Dockerfile
Copy Dockerfile then create Dockerfile by " touch Dockerfile"
" nano Dockerfile " to enter on Dockerfile

[ write this code in Dockerfile ]
FROM python:3.0-alpine >>>> to minimize the size
RUN pip install flask
COPY . /opt/
ENTRYPOINT [“python”,“”]

[ ctr+o then Enter then ctr+c]

docker build -t webapp-color:lite .
docker images