Apache Troubleshooting Failed Test

Hello Team,

I am not sure about the result. No where it was mentioned about static website.

@naveensrivatsa Static website is nothing, you just need to make sure Apache is serving content from default document root as the task is to troubleshoot the issue so make sure not to change any valid default settings. We can mark it Pending for you. Can you please let us know if you got assigned today’s task already ?

@Inderpreet I correct all of the configurations with double-checking. But, App01 and App03 error is “refused connection”. How do I solve this error? I tried double time for this Apache Trouble Shooting. Give me a light!

@thaw make sure Apache service is up on all hosts.

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Yes, all apache service is running by checking, systemctl status httpd. It’s working and active. But, when I connect from Jump_Host, an error is “refused connection”. Please, advice me!


Could you please send the screenshots ?

Also try to test from app server itself as well to make sure its accessible from localhost, the other reason can be some kind of firewall that is blocking access from outside i.e jump host.

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App1 and App3 is same error.

I wanna add this hostname:port/protocol in App1 and App2. How do I add?

Seems like you have bind Apache to the hostname, could you try curl http://stapp03:8089/ same for other hosts.

I try again. this time app01 is connection refused. I wanna add port and hostname vi checking netstat -tlpen according the picture. How to add?

You mean you want to grep Apache port only ? try

netstat -tlpen | grep 8080