Ansible Copy Module - Failed

@ Inderpreet


i had the same issue with copy module, it worked fine but the task was marked failed. kindly to check.


hi @ibrahim, sorry for the issue, this is marked pending for you, please give it an another try

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hi, thanks Bro. task executed successfully.

Hi @Salim , just curious, how are you able to connect to application server without specifying ansible_ssh_pass in inventory file ?

@Inderpreet @kodekloud-support3
I have successfully completed this task but it has been marked failed. Can you please help on this

Hello, @Surendar
Please choose the “Review” option. So me and our community members will take a look into it.

Done @Tej-Singh-Rana , Can you please check on that.

[app] ansible_user=tony ansible_password=Ir0nM@n ansible_user=steve ansible_password=Am3ric@ ansible_user=banner ansible_password=BigGr33n

  • name: Play to copy files
    hosts: all
    become: yes
    • name: Task to copy files to all servers
      src: ‘/usr/src/security/index.html’
      dest: /opt/security/index.html